Install WordPress on CyberPanel

How to Install WordPress on CyberPanel with LiteSpeed Cache and Create Packages, Users, and Websites

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of install WordPress on CyberPanel with LiteSpeed Cache. This tutorial will cover essential steps such as creating packages, users, and websites, ensuring that your WordPress installation is efficient, secure, and optimized Your WordPress.

This article is a continuation of an earlier article that you can find here How to install Cyberpanel with OpenLiteSpeed on Ubuntu and basic Configuration. You should read it first before reading this article.

Creating a Packages on CyberPanel

Step 1: Access the Packages Section

To create a packages on CyberPanel, log in to your CyberPanel dashboard and navigate to

MAIN > Packages > Create Package

Step 2: Fill Out Package Details

Fill out the following details to define your package:

  • Package Name: Assign a distinctive name to the package.
  • Domains: Set to 1, indicating the number of domains allowed.
  • Disk Space: Set to 2048 MB, defining the allocated storage space.
  • Bandwidth: Set to 10240 MB, specifying the allocated bandwidth.
  • FTP Accounts: Set to 1, allowing one FTP account for the website.
  • Databases: Set to 1, allowing one database for the website.
  • Emails: Set to 1, allowing one email account for the website.
  • Enforce Disk Limits: Check this box to ensure the space limit is enforced.

Step 3: Create the Package

Click the “Create Package” button to finalize the package creation.

Creating a Users on CyberPanel

Step 1: Access the Users Section

Navigate to

MAIN > Users > Create New User

to start creating a new users on CyberPanel.

Step 2: Fill Out User Details

Fill out the following details for the new user:

  • First Name: Enter the user’s first name.
  • Last Name: Enter the user’s last name.
  • Email: Enter the user’s email address.
  • Select ACL: Choose “user” to specify the permission level.
  • Websites Limit: Set to 0 if you plan to add more than one website for this user.
  • Username: Enter a username for the user.
  • Password: Enter a complex password, or use the generate button.
  • Security Level: Choose HIGH for the highest level of protection.

Step 3: Create the User

Click the “Create User” button to complete the user creation process.

Creating a Websites on CyberPanel

Step 1: Access the Websites Section

Go to

MAIN > Website > Create Website

to begin creating a new websites on CyberPanel.

Step 2: Fill Out Website Details

Fill out the following details for the new website:

  • Select Package: Choose the package we created earlier.
  • Select Owner: Select the user we created.
  • Domain Name: Enter the domain name for the website (e.g.,, without “www” and in lowercase letters.
  • Email: Enter the email address associated with the website.
  • Select PHP: Choose PHP version 7.4, which is compatible with most WordPress plugins.

Step 3: Create the Website

Click the “Create Website” button to finalize the website creation.

Step 4: Issue SSL Certificate

Go to

MAIN > Website > List Websites

Find the website you created and click “Issue SSL” to obtain an SSL certificate. Wait until the process completes, then click “Manage” to confirm the certificate from Let’s Encrypt.

Install WordPress on CyberPanel

Step 1: Access the Website Management Section

Go to

MAIN > Website > List Websites

find your website, and click “Manage”.

Step 2: Install WordPress

Navigate to

MAIN > Website > List Websites > your website > Manage > APPLICATION INSTALLER > WP + LSCache

Fill out the following details:

  • Blog Title: Enter the name of the website.
  • Login User: Enter a username for the WordPress admin account (preferably not “admin”).
  • Login Password: Enter a complex password.
  • Email: Enter the same email address used for the website.
  • Path: Leave this field empty.

Step 3: Complete Installation

Click the “Install Now” button. Once WordPress is installed, you can access the admin dashboard at

Optimized Your WordPress Installation

Delete Unnecessary Plugins

First, let’s clean up unnecessary plugins. Go to

Plugins > Installed Plugins

and delete all plugins except LiteSpeed Cache. This helps keep your WordPress installation lean and reduces potential security vulnerabilities.

Force a Secure SSL Connection

Next, we’ll force a secure SSL connection. Go to

Settings > General

and change “http” to “https” in both the “WordPress Address (URL)” and “Site Address (URL)” fields. Click the “Save Changes” button.

To improve SEO and user experience, we’ll change the permalink structure. Go to

Settings > Permalink

and set the structure to


Click the “Save Changes” button.

Tweak LiteSpeed Cache Settings

Finally, let’s tweak the LiteSpeed Cache settings. Go to

LiteSpeed Cache > General > General Settings

Click “Request Domain Key” and wait a few minutes for the key to be generated. Once you have the Domain Key, make the following changes:

  • Automatically Upgrade: Turn this on to receive updates automatically.
  • Server IP: Enter your server’s IP address, which you can find on the CyberPanel home page.

Click the “Save Changes” button. Next, go to

LiteSpeed Cache > Presets > Standard Presets

Under “Advanced”, click the “Apply Preset” button. Finally, find the LiteSpeed icon in the top bar of WordPress and click “Purge All” to clear the cache.


By following these steps, you’ve successfully install WordPress with LiteSpeed Cache on CyberPanel, created necessary packages and users, set up a websites with SSL, and optimized your WordPress installation for performance and security. Enjoy your new, efficient, and secure WordPress website!

In order to read the following explanation of this series, you can click on the following link How to install Pterodactyl on CyberPanel to run your own Minecraft server


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